Stores Organic Cotton T-Shirts

Benefits Of Organic Cotton Shirts

In a short time, organic products have obtained a very high position in the fashion world; they have even become very popular. This is due to several factors. One of the main ones is the comfort that materials such as cotton can provide to the skin, so it is increasingly common to see in stores organic cotton t-shirts.

Why is organic cotton better?

The truth is that conventional cotton is grown with products that, over time, are harmful to health. Most pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizers are related to cancer, leukemia, asthma, and neuropsychological problems.

By using organic cotton t-shirts, people reduce the risk of contracting these ailments and typical allergies. Another thing that characterizes organic cotton is that it is usually of better quality than conventional cotton; therefore, products made with this material are generally very durable. 

A characteristic of fabrics made with organic cotton is that they are gentle on the skin, as they do not irritate. So they are perfect for people with delicate skin who care about getting a garment that makes them feel comfortable.

Another reason why organic cotton t-shirts are increasingly appreciated is that they seek to respect decent working conditions. Organic techniques avoid using substances harmful to health, and at the same time, fairer prices for farmers are managed. 

What are the benefits of organic cotton t-shirts?

One of the main characteristics of garments made with organic cotton is the gentleness they have to the touch with the skin. As it generates a soft feeling even with friction, t-shirts made with this material are ideal for use in activities such as exercise. 

Organic cotton t-shirts leave a smaller carbon footprint, so they are an excellent choice if you want to take care of the planet. As we mentioned before, organic cotton is perfect for avoiding allergies and other health problems affecting sensitive people's skin.

Its thermal protection is excellent, so it can be used as a complement to insulate from the cold, even during the winter. In addition, they are products that do not go out of fashion, so you can always use them in any event, but these are just some of the benefits this type of garment can offer. 

How do you know if your clothes are organic or not?

Within the market, many garments are sold as organic cotton when they are not. To distinguish organic cotton t-shirts easily is necessary to consider whether it has seals and certificates, such as GOTS, as this ensures that it covers all processes adequately. 

 How to Maintain Your Organic Cotton Shirt

Organic cotton garments are indeed more durable and resistant than other garments. However, it is necessary to take care of them. This is mainly because some cleaning products can damage the fabrics if not used properly.

Ideally, you should wash organic cotton t-shirts inside out and at a temperature not exceeding 90 degrees; it is also advisable to use mild detergents. Preferably soft, mild, neutral detergents or those not so aggressive with the fabrics. 

It is also advisable to avoid the continuous use of the dryer, as the movement causes the garment to wear out more quickly. It is best to dry the garments in the shade, preventing the fibers of the T-shirts from becoming detached due to movement.

If you have the idea of ironing your organic cotton t-shirts to make them look better, you can use a water spray. This will reduce wrinkling; it is also essential to look at the indications printed on the fabrics of the garments.

Where Can You Purchase Organic Cotton Shirts?   

Until recently, finding products made from organic cotton was a pretty complicated job; fortunately, nowadays, things have been changing. Nowadays, there are platforms specialized in selling t-shirts made with organic cotton, one of those stores is Free Movement.

At Free Movement, we seek to provide our customers with organic cotton products with the highest standards. Our garments have all the necessary certifications to guarantee that we use genuinely organic cotton, so we are your best option.

If you are looking for quality t-shirts, at Free Movement, you can get the best organic wholesale t-shirts.

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